2018年3月6日 星期二

SAP CO - Material Master Costing Run Price Inconsistencies ("No current standard cost & Material has a released cost estimate" happen at the same time)

[CAUTION] CKR1 should be avoided. Its main use is to delete test data. FROM NOTE : https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/1530596

在一次使用了 BAPI : BAPI_COSTESTIMATE_DELETE_MULTI (用 BAPI 取代 CKR1) 進行成品 Costing Run 版本移除後,發現該料號出現以下問題

使用 MM03 查看 Costing 2 Tab,發現 Current Button 顯示 "No current standard cost estimate exists for material"

接下來在使用 CK11N 去執行此料號,卻又出現 "Material in plant has a released cost estimate"

導致這個料號,目前並沒有任何 Costing Run 的資料 (被 BAPI 刪除),但又無法進行 Costing Run,即無法用 CKR1 找不到 Current Costing Run 的資料,但要做 CK11N 時又說 Current Period 有 Costing Run

後來在 SAP SCN 發文得到以下 Solution : https://answers.sap.com/questions/450216/no-current-standard-cost-material-has-a-released-c.html

可參考 : https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/1530596

Enter transaction CHECK_ANCHOR.
Uncheck the flag 'resolve inconsistencies'.

Execute in test mode and check the result.

If there's an inconsistency, activate flag 'resolve inconsistencies'.

Execute in update mode. The error is no longer displayed in MM03 as the future price is now empty.

完成後即可修正上敘 Inconsistencies 的問題

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